An original poem by Rhys Laverty
From the Editor’s Desk: Ad Fontes Fall 2023
Introducing the Fall 2023 print edition of Ad Fontes.
No Cowboy Religion: Remapping Protestantism on the American Frontier
What was religion really like on the American frontier?
The Reception History of the Thirty-Nine Articles in the Church of England: 1571-1662
Have Anglicans always regarded the 39 Articles as flexible? Or have they always taken them as authoritative?
W.H. Auden’s Prosaic Faith
How do we make sense of W.H. Auden’s poetry, professed faith, and personal life?
The Truth of Being: Christianity, Science, and the Knowability of the Universe
Before debates between Christianity and science even begin, we must ask: how can we even know anything?
The Gospel of J. Edgar Hoover: How the FBI Aided and Abetted the Rise of White Christian Nationalism: A Review
Brian Auten corrects a new study of the FBI’s alleged role in shaping American civil religion.
Staging Luther: Four Plays: A Review
J. C. Scharl reviews a new edition of plays by Hans Sachs, an early defender of Lutheranism in both drama and verse.
Christian Heresy, James Joyce, and the Modernist Literary Imagination: Reinventing the Word: A Review
Richard Rankin Russell breaks with a book that shines a light on a troubling strain of religious heresy in Joyce’s thought.
At the Contented Cow
An original poem by Casey Spinks.