A Reformation themed video game gives surprising insight into living through dramatic historical changes.
From the Editor’s Desk: Ad Fontes Spring 2024
Senior Editor Rhys Laverty introduces the Spring 2024 print edition of Ad Fontes.
“On St. John the Baptist” by Philip Melanchthon
An original translation of a Philip Melanchthon poem for the Nativity of John the Baptist.
Ivy Envy?
Will conservative and Christian alternatives to Ivy League universities ever match them?
Toward a Protestant Pronatalism
Protestantism has the peculiar resources for addressing birth-rate decline, especially when it comes to the role of fathers.
Understanding Wang Yi: A Response to Glenn Moots
Where does Wang Yi fit within political liberalism and confessional Protestantism?
The Spirit of Liberty in “Paradise Lost”
What did John Milton really think of freedom?
Mortal Goods: A Review
James R. Wood finds much to praise and much to disagree with in Ephraim Radner’s latest book.
Honorable Conduct in the “Negative World”
Carl Trueman offers a surrejoinder on Christian political conduct.
Beyond Schmitt
Does Schmitt’s “friend-enemy” distinction hold up to Christian exegetical and doctrinal scrutiny?