With some distance from the initial SCOTUS leak, what are the most significant takeaways?
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The Real Origins of Church Offices: Jewish and Greco-Roman Context for the Pastoral Epistles
Can historical context break the deadlock on endless church polity debates?
A Political Theology of Necessity
How Peter Martyr Vermigli can help navigate necessity and competing laws.
A new book vastly overstates parallels between the Eucharist and the Dionysus cult
Jonathan Edwards, Theosis, and the Reformed Tradition
Unpacking a Reformed doctrine of deification.
Taught By Christ, About Christ, Through the Word of Christ: The Promise of Biblical Reasoning
What difference does it make to have Christ himself at the centre of our exegesis?
What If There’d Been A Spanish Reformation Council?
How did the Spanish Reformers approach their patristic and medieval heritage?
“As Light From Darkness Once Was Spoke”: A Resurrection Hymn
Tracing the resurrection through the Old Testament in song
The “Aha” of Easter: Making Sense of the Crucifixion
An Easter Sunday meditation.
Pierced Hands and Open Arms: The Irony of the Cross
A Good Friday meditation.