Will conservative and Christian alternatives to Ivy League universities ever match them?
Toward a Protestant Pronatalism
Protestantism has the peculiar resources for addressing birth-rate decline, especially when it comes to the role of fathers.
Understanding Wang Yi: A Response to Glenn Moots
Where does Wang Yi fit within political liberalism and confessional Protestantism?
Mortal Goods: A Review
James R. Wood finds much to praise and much to disagree with in Ephraim Radner’s latest book.
Beyond Schmitt
Does Schmitt’s “friend-enemy” distinction hold up to Christian exegetical and doctrinal scrutiny?
Qu’est-ce qu’une Christian Nation?
Was nationhood foisted on the USA, or has it always seen itself as a nation?
Public Religion, Presbyterian Style
How can the Reformed and Presbyterian tradition help us to think about a renewed interest in public religion?
The Rules of Law: The Alabama IVF Case and the Proper Role of Judges
Alabam’s IVF ruling should prompt us to ask: what is the role of judges in political life?
All the Kingdoms of the World: A Review
A new study of Catholic integralism really wrestles with its arguments and implications.
Faithful Disobedience: A Review
Writings from Wang Yi and other Chinese Christian leaders provide insight into wider questions of political theology.