Brian Auten corrects a new study of the FBI’s alleged role in shaping American civil religion.
Staging Luther: Four Plays: A Review
J. C. Scharl reviews a new edition of plays by Hans Sachs, an early defender of Lutheranism in both drama and verse.
Christian Heresy, James Joyce, and the Modernist Literary Imagination: Reinventing the Word: A Review
Richard Rankin Russell breaks with a book that shines a light on a troubling strain of religious heresy in Joyce’s thought.
Between Heaven and Russia: A Review
Does this new book make sense of ther recent growth of Russian Orthodoxy in the USA?
The Whole Lewis
A new three-part C.S. Lewis biography is exhaustive, making new revelations, though not without its flaws.
Sermons on Job: A Review
Calvin’s overlooked sermons on Job are a major addition to Calvin studies and a blessing to the church.
Divination and Philosophy in the Letters of Paul: A Review
Matthew Colvin resists a new book’s attempts to blur the lines between Christian revelation and pagan divinization.
Reformation, Resistance, and Reason of State: A Review
Brad Littlejohn reviews a new book that appreciates — but struggles to comprehend — the breadth of Early Modern Protestant political thought
Justice Calls from a Ditch: Leo Strauss on Plato’s Euthyphro
A review of a new critical edition of Leo Strauss’s notes on Plato’s “Euthyphro”
Seeing God: A Review
A sweeping account of the doctrine of the beatific vision with the Protestant tradition in mind, now in paperback.