A constructive, tentative suggestion for a troubling imprecatory psalm.
Rhys Laverty
From the Editor’s Desk: Ad Fontes, Winter 2022
Introducing the first symposium issue of Ad Fontes, on the brave new world of metamodernism.
Don’t Keep the Imprecatory Psalms at Arm’s Length
The imprecatory psalms are the prayers of both the King and his covenant people.
Banging the Christological Drum
How do we develop the habit of thinking rightly about the incarnation?
Why Lewis and Keller Are Wrong About The Imprecatory Psalms
The curses of the Psalms should be part of a normal, healthy Christian prayer life.
The Desert Island Book of the Massachusetts Colony
The first book printed in North America was a copy of the psalms. Why?
On Holy Innocents, and Walking Away from Omelas
The Feast of Holy Innocents exposes us as a society of Herods.
“And Is It True?”: Betjeman’s Weary Christmas Faith
Thoughts on John Betjeman’s 1954 poem “Christmas”
“Such is the Breath of Kings”: Shakespeare’s Richard II and COVID Restrictions
Bad rulers thoughtlessly breathe decrees, ignorant that their subjects do not have a breath to spare.
The Church Calendar As Word Ministry
How can evangelicals reconcile the church calendar with an emphasis on the ministry of the Word?