For this week's "Melanchthon Monday," a short passage on the law of nature, and our natural knowledge of it, that I have translated from the secunda aetas, or "second period," of the Loci communes. I think it is fair to say that it still surprises a lot of people to...
“Light-Conveying Light Eternal”: Another Greek Prayer in Verse
I had a lot of fun working on the Greek poem last week, so this week's "Melancthon Monday" is once again...not Melanchthon. But, Christian humanist that he was, I don't think he would mind. For this installment, I've again translated a poem from the first book of the...
Check Your (Authorial) Privilege
It is reasonable to suggest that the deep roots of the New Criticism--the position that what matters for the critical task is “the text,” not the author, his biography, his historical context, or his intentions; for the text is a closed system to be understood on its...
“O Cosmic King”: A Greek Christian Prayer in Verse
For “Melanchthon Monday” this week I’m calling an audible; there is no Melanchthon at all. Sad, I know. But I have something for you that I hope will still prove worthwhile. Below is a four-line epigram from the Greek Anthology, the first book of which comprises...
The Tragedy of Politics
In his Parallel Lives, Plutarch links Theseus, the legendary King of Athens, with Romulus, the first (legendary?) King of Rome. As is the case with most of the paired Lives, Plutarch offers a comparison at the end. He notes that both Theseus and Romulus were...
Piercing Heaven
For this week's "Melanchthon Monday," a short poem--only a couplet--on prayer, inspired by Luke 24. EX LUCA 24. CAPITE.Ut tua pertingat, penetretque precatio caelum, Ardenti fiat speque fideque frequens. "From Luke 24"If you desire that your prayer may ascend up to...
Calling on God in “Truth”
Psalm 145:18 says, "The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth" (ESV). If we read the Psalms in light of Christ as, e.g., Augustine tells us too, we might think of John 14:6: "Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life....
The Theologian of the Holy Cross
September 14 marks Holy Cross Day. In honor of the cross of Christ, here are a couple of justly famous paragraphs from Martin Luther's Heidelberg Disputation (1518) on what it means to be a theologian. 20. He deserves to be called a theologian, however, who...
The Duty of Magistrates?
I didn't have time to prepare a proper "Melanchthon Monday" this week. On the other hand, I discovered via Twitter this morning that one of my essays is appearing in this forthcoming Davenant volume, the title of which is "'Nursing Fathers': The Magistrate and the...
“Attending Only to the Shell and Husk of History”
At long last, I'm making good on my promise to finish off the Burke series. In the first two posts, we looked at the problems--and they are legion--caused by revolutionary "justice" reformers, content to raze civil society as a result of the delusional and infantile...