E.J. Hutchinson

How to Pray

For Melanchthon Monday this week, we're taking a hiatus from the series "Then in Distress We Upraise," but don't worry: we'll get back to it. (I know you were worried.) Instead, this week I want to look at a passage from the last phase of the Loci Communes on prayer,...

“Then in Distress We Upraise” (3)

Time once again for #MelanchthonMonday! This is the third installment dealing with a petitionary poem by Joachim Camerarius and its Nachleben. In Part 1, we looked at the poem itself. Last week, we looked in Part 2 at a letter Melanchthon wrote to Camerarius in which...

London Calling

One of my sons is reading Jack London's "To Build a Fire" for school this week. Not having ever read it myself, I decided to do so, despite my deep antipathy to the "To [Infinitive]" form of scriptorial denomination. Hoo boy, I'm glad I did. What a terrifying tour de...

“Then in Distress We Upraise” (1)

Time for another “Melanchthon Monday”!  Now, you may be surprised, given that today’s poem is not (um) by Melanchthon. But wait! It still works! However, you won’t see just how well it works until a future installment.  Our poem for this week, while it is...


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