E.J. Hutchinson

Property a Divine Right

Welcome back to "Melanchthon Monday"! Today we have a passage on the divine sanction protecting the right to own property and the tyranny involved in the magistrate laying hold of it unjustly. The passage comes from my forthcoming translation of Melanchthon's Summary...

Honoring Luther by Honoring the Word

Today, November 10, is the anniversary of Martin Luther's birthday in 1483. Luther is best remembered as the impetus and architect of the Reformation. But according to Luther himself, he did nothing; the Word did everything. Here he is, in the second Invocavit sermon...

What Is the Law of God?

Without a proper definition of terms, talking is useless, if not worse. If we or our hearers do not know what we are saying, then we are not saying it. Philip Melanchthon seems to have recognized this. Thus in the third stage of the Loci communes/Loci theologici,...

Creatio Naturaliter Christiana

Last year, I wrote an essay for the print edition of Ad Fontes on, as it were (and to paraphrase Tertullian), "creation naturally Christian," suggesting a theology and an eschatology that is built into the season of spring, the season of Cross and Resurrection. In the...

The Reformation of Images

I've been doing some reading on the first commandment and its appendix on images (the second commandment according to a different division of the Decalogue). It is well known that images of Christ provoke sharp disagreement among Protestants (though you will find none...

The Order of the Commandments

The order of the commandments in the Decalogue has its own inner logic that writers have described in various ways. Below I have translated Johann Gerhard's discussion from the twelfth locus (On the Law of God) of his Loci theologici. This is followed by a long...


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