Did Tolkien have room for shades of gray within and without Middle Earth?
C.S. Lewis on the Decline of Christianity
Lewis’s lesser-known essays reveal some surprising perspectives on religion in the West.
No Place Like Rome? Refuting Papal Primacy With Clement of Rome
Although pseudonymous, works credited to Clement give us a window into early church polity.
Miasma of the Ordinary? Rebuking the Devil in Your Soup
Did ancient Christians feel guilty about possible implication in unethically sourced food?
Plundering the Romans: Irenaeus, History, and Economic Presuppositions
Tidy modern narratives about the economic views of past Christians rarely fit the historical data
Baptismal Trajectories in Early Christianity, Part III: Toward an Explanation
A fresh, tentative explanation for early differences in baptismal practice. Part 3 of 3.
Baptismal Trajectories in Early Christianity, Part II: Households, Tertullian, and Archeology
Is there a fresh explanation for differing baptismal practices in the ancient church? Part 2 of 3.
Baptismal Trajectories in Early Christianity, Part I: The Liturgical “Dark Age” and Second Temple Judaism
Can we find a fresh explanation for differing baptismal practices in the early church?
Is Theology Enslaved to Sociological Subtext?
Does sociological analysis have all the explanatory power it often claims?
Social Activism and the New Testament
Does the “social justice” turn of some evangelicals line up with New Testament’s approach to societal problems?