Pure Christ, One Hundred Proof: Another Poem on Luther for Reformation Day

Reformation Day was yesterday, so for this week’s “Melanchthon Monday” we have another poem on Luther by Melanchthon. This one is an epitaph, only two lines long. Melanchthon also wrote both a Greek and a Latin version; I have translated the Latin.

I have taken a couple of liberties, adding a sentiment from Robert Farrar Capon and ordering the poem toward the Last Day and the resurrection of the dead. As far as latter goes, at least, I am quite certain Melanchthon wouldn’t mind.

The poem is an elegiac couplet, which meter I have used for the translation as well.

Qui Christum docuit pure, et bona plurima fecit,

#########Lutheri hac urna molliter ossa cubant.

Luther, who taught pure Christ, hundred proof, and did manifold good deeds:

Softly his bones lie here, tombed in this casket–for now.


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